Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 773
Annual Return Start: 01 Feb 2010
Annual Return End: 31 Jan 2011
Date Received: 01 Apr 2011
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M6.1 Not all volume monitoring undertaken. Missed readings on public holidays and weekends, and flow meter sometimes gave unusual readings of >60ML/day. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 25
L3.3 pH 90%ile limit exceeded due to lime dosing tank overflows. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 13
M6.1 pH testing not conducted at any monitoring point on 24 January 2011. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 1
L3.3 Total Suspended Solids limit exceeded in August and September 2010, January 2011. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 3
L3.3 Phosphorous discharge limit exceeded in February and March 2010. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 3
L4.1 Exceeded volume limit Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 50
L2.2 Exceeded BOD load limit. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 1
L2.2 Phosphorous load limit exceeded. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 1
L2.2 Total Suspended Solids load limit exceeded. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 1
L3.3 BOD limit exceeded in August and September 2010. Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review 2